The Fine Art of Procrastination

Last week my professor informed our class of a large assignment that would soon be due. I clearly recall her sternly warning us all, “Now don’t wait until the night before to start on this project because it’s going to take longer than that!”

Well, I took her words to heart. I followed her advice and didn’t wait until the night before to start like she advised. Unfortunately, I actually started even later than that… I started the morning it was due. And class starts at 9:50 AM!

Nevertheless, against all odds and despite her nay saying, I still got it done in time (submitted it online before class started). My final product was a seven page paper. We’ll see what grade I get. Nothing like running things down to the wire though to cause a little heartburn.

I guess it’s like my older brother Seth says, “If you wait until the last minute to do something, it only takes a minute to do.” When my Dad hears that, he likes to wryly remark, “And it only takes a minute to grade too.” We’ll see.

In my defense, I had been thinking about the assignment beforehand so some of the “brainwork” was already done.

But I wonder, why is it human nature (well, at least MY nature) to procrastinate? Why is time management so hard?

Photo Credit: Procastination Cat

UPDATE: July 27th

I just got my grade back on this paper. I received an A. I guess I pulled the wool over her eyes.

UPDATE #2: November 16th

Boundless had a relevant post here on procrastination: Craving Crisis