Earlier this week, a friend of mine and I specifically prayed it wouldn’t rain over Labor Day. At the time we prayed, the weather forecasters were predicting scattered thunderstorms all weekend.
We wanted to take a couple guys out camping on my big boat (before it sells) Sunday night and couldn’t do that if there was any chance of lightning. Now, I know it’s debatable whether we should pray for “luxury wants” like good weather for yachting when there are other people in the world with real needs (such as food because they are starving). But we did anyways.
Sooo, today is Saturday… and guess what? All predictions for rain are gone! In fact, I just saw an article in our local paper stating the weather this Labor Day is shaping up to be exceptionally ideal.
So God answered our prayer with a “yes.” Here are some excerpts from the article:
“In years to come, camping lovers and local lake managers may look back at 2009 as the year Labor Day weekend was as good as it gets…”
“[This weekend will be] ideal weather for camping, with cool nights and warm, dry days. Lakes at good levels. Lush grounds.”
“It’s perfect camping weather. You can’t beat it,” Lake Afton park manager Mark Sroufe said.
And meteorologist Chris Jakub from the National Weather Service had this to say,“It’s pretty ideal, really.”