What makes a Church a Church? Part 2: Who Are the Church?

continued from Part 1… The title of this post may sound wierd: “Who are the Church?” What kind of grammar is that??! But this is because we are conditioned to thinking of the word church as meaning a building instead of a collective group of “called out ones.” The more I examine the scriptures, the …

What makes a Church a Church? Part 1 – Ekklesia

Recently there has been discussion among my friends as to what makes a Christian gathering an official “church meeting.” What makes a church, church? A bit tongue-in-cheek, the following quote may be a good place to start: “The image of much of contemporary Christianity can be summarized, a bit euphemistically, as holy people coming regularly …

Do I Have to Pay Attention at Church?

So while listening to a sermon at church, is it ok to… …eat candy? (as long as it’s not crunchy?) …send text message? (as long as nobody notices?) …snuggle with my true love? (if nobody is behind me?) …sleep? (if it’s just during the prayers and other boring parts?) …slouch? (when my butt hurts too …